Principle of Least Privilege


Collage on wood panel
200mm x 200mm

The principle of least privilege refers to the concept that all user accounts should run with as few privileges as possible, and also launch applications with as few privileges as possible. This means giving any user accounts or processes only those privileges which are essentially vital to perform its intended functions.

This is an original collage artwork that has been made from images sourced only from glossy magazines, hand cut and constructed on a wooden panel. The finished piece has then been coated with multiple coats of varnish, resulting in a smooth, high gloss finish.

The artwork is supplied with a wire on the reverse side, making it ready to be hung. However, the width of the panel (35mm) means that it is also able to be positioned free-standing on a flat surface such as a shelf or desk.

The price listed also includes all postage and packing costs.